Commonly Used 50 Types of Backlinks That Can Be Used to Attain Higher Ranking and Drive Referral Traffic Quickly

Exact Identification of Backlinks:

Incoming links or backlinks (inbound links) are very specific links that link a website with other web pages, blogs, websites and sources through the anchor text. In fact; the most of the search engines consider backlinks as the “VOTES” of a site from highly authorized and quality link sources or websites. These votes or backlinks always gain quality, importance, high ranking for the websites and quick growth of organic traffic and such inbound links also maintain all these achievements on permanent basis. An experienced and professional seo company primelis mostly uses the power of backlinks to gain quality traffic quickly and attain high-valued search engine rankings. No doubt; backlinks on topnotch quality and highly popular websites or pages will be more important for every website in IT world.

Preview of Backlink Importance:

Generating backlinks with authorized and quality websites will be a professional and highly authentic method of gaining organic traffic. Obviously; the backlinks or incoming links will manage organic visitors on your websites and keep helping you in attaining better ranking in the top search engines. In simple; the quality backlinks are website’s representatives that tell quality of contents and worth of the site to highly competitive and popular search engines like Google, Asked, Bing, Yahoo and others. Every best seo agency primelis mostly depends upon highly effective, authentic, result-guaranteed and high quality inbound links (backlinks). Such links also convey the usefulness, credibility and benefits of the web contents published on a website or blog. So; more number of quality backlinks your site owns, the higher rankings your website will have in the top search engines like Google.

Types of Backlinks Used Commonly:

Types of backlinks are many in numbers, but there are two general primary kinds of such links. Actually; the first type of links connects a website with many other sites, blogs and web pages. Second type of inbound links connects different pages of the same website or blog. External linking is the most valuable and supportive for every site that aims gaining good page ranking and higher organic traffic. Anyhow; further detail about these commonly used backlinks is shared in the below section.

i) External Backlinks:

When you are going through about external linking, you will find these links connected between different websites or blogs. A website is connected or linked with many authorized websites and blogs to gain good organic traffic regularly. Backlinks are the biggest examples of such linking, while the worth of these links is growing constantly and greatly among the websites and online businesses.

ii) Internal Backlinks:

Internal links are specific links that link different web pages of the same website to gain traffic for each page. These links are also useful for the websites having regular and massive organic traffic. However; these links don’t impact the ranking and traffic of the websites as the external linking has the value for blogs and websites.

Backlink Types with Higher Value:

Webmasters and companies always aim gaining the fast seo results with satisfaction performance. So; they focus on website ranking in SERPs and they put their attention over the high quality backlinks. No doubt; these links can generate a variety of 100% satisfaction guaranteed and result oriented backlinks to gain higher traffic. It is strongly believed that a single high-quality backlink carries 1000 times greater worth than low-quality backlinks. There are 5 major and prominent types of backlinks based on the performance, quality and rank improving features.

i) Backlinks Must Come from Trusted Sites:

Backlinks gained from higher authority domains are completely rusted. These backlinks will carry an impressive and useful worth for the search engines. So; gaining backlinks from authorized, trusted and high authority domains will be more supportive for a website and its page ranking as well. Thus; you must do efforts to create backlinks from all trusted, authorized and powerful websites having higher site rankings in search engines. Vote or backlink from a high authority domain will be heavier than less authorized and common websites. Such powerful domains will cause a quick and great increase in organic search engine traffic for a website linked with them.

ii) Backlinks Must Have Targeted Keywords:

The anchor text contains a link in form of a text, while it owns a specific and targeted keyword. In fact; all the anchor texts of links must have your targeted keywords which you want to use for gaining higher organic traffic and good page rank in search engines. Obviously; there is a direct and positive correlation between the keyword rich backlinks (anchor text) and higher website ranking in top search engines. You must use white hat seo techniques and tools rather than other SEO types. So; you must build the backlinks in matching and readable anchor text to avoid some strikes by Google Penguin filters etc.

iii) Linking Sites Should be Related to Your Site:

If you link your website with other website, then Google will definitely confirm if both these sites have same niche or relevant industry or not. That is why; you have to choose the websites for building backlinks if they are relevant to your website and niche as well. If you build a backlink with relevant websites, then Google and other search engines will surely give greater weight to your backlinks and index the pages and finally improve site ranking.

iv) Created Backlinks Must be Dofollow Links:

There are two general categories of backlinks; Dofollow and Nofollow links. Google completely ignores and discourages the Nofollow links, while it accepts and appreciates Dofollow links. Nofollow links are mostly gained from;

i) Paid advertisements and sites

ii) Press Releases

iii) Blog Comments & Low value content sites etc.

SEO techniques and campaigns get enough support only from the Dofollow backlinks and nothing from Nofollow linking. So; you must create Dofollow backlinks, while this is also good for getting a little portion of Nofollow links in some cases.

v) Sites Must Have Unique Domains for Your Sites:

If you build backlinks from some powerful and unique domains which you have not used in the past, then these backlinks will be extremely useful for your website traffic and ranking. Link builders must prefer a single backlink on a top domain website and try to avoid creating anymore link on the same site. This will affect your website negatively, while you must keep searching for some powerful domains which you are going to use first time. Obviously quality and powerful backlinks are actual assets of the websites seeking for better ranking in search engines and gaining regular organic traffic as well.

50 Notable Types of Backlinks in SEO:

There are more than 50 inspiring backlink types which the most webmasters and link builder always want to create and build them regularly for high site ranking and more organic traffic in top search engines. Backlinks are believed as the highly matured and powerful strategies in Search Engine Optimization campaigns. Of course; earning high quality backlinks through creative web contents and highly researched keywords with minimum competition will be extraordinary and supportive for websites. In the below; you will come to read about the best 50 kinds of backlinks greatly used in SEO strategies and marketing campaigns.

1) .Edu Domain Authority Links:

Though the .EDU backlinks are not enough powerful in terms of SEO marketing, but these sites own higher domain authority that usually makes these links highly valuable and effective. It is a good idea to ask students and teachers to publish their guest posts on your sites and share with other readers. In this way; you will gain enough powerful backlinks with good organic search engine traffic.

2) .Gov URLs Website Backlinks:

Of course; .GOV sites also carry powerful domain authority as .EDU websites and blogs have. So; webmasters and SEO experts should introduce some effective programs for the armed services and servants to take advantages. This will be 100% organic search engine traffic that can impact your backlinks on such sites positively and greatly.

3) .Org Domain Sites Backlinks:

Basically; .ORG websites have similar domain authority as earlier two types of sites have. However; these backlinks can be more effective and productive if the webmasters target more volunteers, small organizations and local channels. For this; experts will need to use some charity programs and campaigns for attracting more people as well as earning valuable backlinks.

4) Editorial Site Based Backlinks:

If some sites are generating and sharing the most powerful, informative and high quality contents, then such types of links are created. These high quality contents engage the maximum numbers of readers across the world and SEO specialists develop some content marketing ideas to redirect and drive the organic traffic. You can consider this link as the most important and useful part of types of backlinks.

5) Traditional Media Site Links:

Journalists always keep citing different material and contents relevant to the current affairs or specific niches. So; the webmasters can build backlinks on traditional news sources and websites. You can set some question and answer sessions over recently published news or articles in the magazines and newspapers. Such ideas will build a strong link resource from trusted platforms and sites.

6) Internal Links on Same Site:

If you have composed and published some high-quality web contents, then this is good enough to generate some internal links between different pages of your own site. These internal links also improve the influence of your posts and get more attraction of the visitors and post readers continuously.

7) Links from Relevant Websites:

Complementary industries or businesses usually target organic audience, while they don’t compete with a webmaster directly. These business sites carry powerful URLs and enough organic traffic. You have to offer guest posting and mutual marketing campaigns to such industries and businesses that are 100% relevant to your website’s niche. This can let you earn desired quantity of the backlinks with excellent quality and lasting performance.

8) Links from Your Competitors:

If you get succeeded in linking your site with websites and blogs of your competitors, then you will do the best job. You should try to create some announcements about the offers and jobs and then earn quality links for more visitors.

9) Links from Niche Forum Profiles:

Webmasters should engage the organic audience in their relevant industry or businesses and then build some backlinks. It is a creative idea for webmasters to search and enlist the top niche forums in an industry and then keep engaging more numbers of the people involved in such industry. They must share some valuable offers and post the links that will generate organic traffic.

10) Social Media Profile Backlinks:

In fact; generating traffic from social media networks is becoming a fast growing advertisement idea. If you have your official sites, then this is compulsory for you to launch your websites on top regularly visited social media platforms. For this; you must create relevant pages and profiles to share every post of your site and then connect the more people for generating organic audience. The best and highly recommended social media networks are;

i) Instagram

ii) Twitter

iii) Facebook

iv) LinkedIn

v) Snapchat

vi) Tumblr

vii) Goodreads

viii) Reddit

ix) Pinterest

x) Quora

xi) Flickr

xii) Periscope etc.

Sure; you can also use some other social media networks also where you can create accounts and maintain your presence for getting more audience.

11) Social Media Post Backlinks:

Posting and sharing contents on social networks to gain traffic has been a remarkable source of organic traffic. You must set a schedule for generating and posting contents through some tools like Hootsuite or Buffer for driving more organic visitors for your websites. These social media post links will help you in achieving your targeted organic audience within the least time course.

12) Backlinks from Reddit Site:

SEO marketing on Reddit is gaining good attention and popularity among the webmasters and businesses. However; this is not an easy job to get links and traffic on this network as the most of Reddit users dislike of being sold. However; if the marketers and SEO experts handle such campaigns with extra care, then they can make it completely and easily possible to generate backlinks on Reddit.

13) LinkedIn Company Directory Links:

LinkedIn directory is earning huge popularity among the businesses and webmasters. If you want to grow your sites and organic traffic fast, then Linked directory is a great opportunity for this. However; you must create some company pages on this social network and share the posts and links to build backlinks for getting organic visitors to your websites.

14) Relevant Industry Directories Links:

Industry directories relevant to your site name, niche or product will let you grow your search engine results as well as ranking quickly. You have to find 100% relevant industry directories and then start building seo backlinks that will play a vital role in lifting your site ranking and maximizing your organic traffic as well.

15) Backlinks from the Local Directories:

Top and competitive online brands always search for the domestic directories for building their backlinks. In fact; the millions of visitors visit such directories for different purposes. So; you will need to use such directories for posting links and driving more organic visitors to your websites. Bing, MSN, Yelp and Asked are the best domestic directories for webmasters.

16) Backlinks from Template Directories:

Creating templates for WordPress and other networks can also help you in generating traffic. The webmasters will need to develop some blog themes and share on top directories and networks to arrest attention of relevant businesses and brands. This can let you attain more backlinks and boost your website traffic and ranking as well.

17) E-Books Backlinks for Organic Traffic:

If you get some ideas and pick the most inspiring topics for writing E-Books, then this action will support you in maximizing your site ranking and traffic. In fact; you will need to use some writing skills and write an interesting E-Book and publish on some mostly visited networks. This is a right idea to get some links and achieve targeted organic audience in a minimum time frame.

18) Backlinks from Top Domestic News Sites:

Local news channels, E-magazines and sites are the best backlink resources. It is an effective idea for webmasters to use multiple news sites and forums for posting links and driving organic visitors quickly. This resource can boost your organic audience faster than other similar options.

19) Guest Blogging Backlinks through Posts:

If you study the backlink types thoroughly, you will find guest blogging an important type. Though this is an old technique, but it is still valid, effective and result-guaranteed. You have to find some forums, directories and blogs to post your high-quality and engaging posts for readers. Interesting and well-written posts on guest blogs can result faster and better.

20) Manually Created Backlinks on Top Sites:

Manual or formal link building has been a strong type of attaining the backlinks from trusted and authorized websites. You have to consider this method and learn every step to create links and earn them faster and in a better way. If webmasters continues this link building, then they will gain desired results for a longer period.

21) Always Google Your Site/Business Links:

Webmasters must create and sort out some listings and then post the links before the visitors visit their sites. Such links will automatically engage the readers and viewers with your websites. Make your site link listings as the trend in top rated search engines like Bing and Google etc.

22) Backlinks with Brand Name Anchor Tags:

You have to set some Google alerts for your brand or site names and share links on different platforms. Such ideas will target the people talking about your sites or brands and they will get an ease to access your sites or companies through the shared links. These links work very well and yield awesome outcomes quickly.

23) Build Key Terms Anchor Tags Backlinks:

Webmasters will need to make some key term anchor tags and give offers to the visitors. Such anchor tags with marketing campaigns will work in a great collaboration and give amazing results in a short duration.

24) Create the Backlinks with How-to Guide:

No doubt; How-to guide links are more valuable and supportive for getting organic traffic for a website. You can create some resources and publish how-to guide and wait for excellent results. These links are good enough to improve website ranking.

25) Backlinks with Supportive Resource Guide:

Always target the people in your industry who are seeking for some well-managed resources and creative ideas. You have to use such ideas for attracting the people and engaging them permanently in your industry. Thus; you will be able to gain desired amount of the organic audience as well as better ranking of your sites. Frequent offers for the people will let you earn more links and visitors.

26) Valuable Infographic Links for the Traffic:

Infographic links are very useful as they are live in form of the graphics. If you keep creating these links through Canva, then you will be able to drive more organic visitors to your websites.

27) Backlinks from Question & Answer Sites:

There are many highly visited Q&A websites like Quora where you can take part in question and answer sessions. Thus; you can place your links to gain traffic in an organic way. You will need to leave answers and drop your site links for getting more clicks and visitors.

28) Backlinks from the Emails Available in Lists:

The most webmasters create specific and vast newsletter lists to send notifications to the subscribers. If you have such lists, then you must use them and send links via emails to the added subscribers and people.

29) Target Clickable Graphic Links for Building:

Ask the best graphic designers to design some logos and graphics for your website. You will need to add the links of your sites in these graphics and share with others on highly visited platforms including social media networks. These graphics must be clickable for the viewers and visitors.

30) Backlinks with Clickable Videos and Linking:

The same action you will need to do as you did in the last link type. Of course; you should add links in videos and upload on YouTube that has become the second largest video search engine. You have to embed such link-based clickable videos and start gaining organic audience through the safest and best search engine.

31) Backlinks Generated with the SlideShare:

Do you use some webinars to teach and address the people? It is a great opportunity for the webmasters to use some unique and creative slides for adding their site links and then share in the SlideShare for getting more traffic comfortably and quickly. You can optimize your slides through these links that are the best sources of gaining organic visitors.

32) Backlinks from Influencing Industry Reviews:

Ask some review writers and influencers to write creative and informative reviews of your websites, products or services in your industry. Never forget to post the site links in such reviews with some attractive keywords. So; the readers and customers will surely click on these links to get more information about the offered product or service.

33) Backlinks Created from Infographic Citation:

Creative, unique and relevant research can be the most fantastic literature that can engage maximum numbers of the people continuously. If you post such research papers and documents on top rated directories or sites, then the users will cite such posts and use these links shared in such researches. It is quite useful if you use such research along with infographics and links.

34) Build up the Backlinks with Wikipedia Sites:

By sharing information and unbiased knowledge, the wiki sites are the best and most fabulous. These sites let the people post their literature and knowledge with millions of readers. So; you should target such Wikipedia sites and write some posts having links of your websites. It is fine to get a list of 100+ wiki sites to write and post the informative contents along with links to get traffic.

35) Concentrate over the Do-Follow Backlinks:

If you have some high-quality websites and use black hat seo techniques to grow your organic audience, then it will have no sense. In fact; you must prefer some positive and audience engaging strategies in SEO that can yield better and more results within the least course of time. Nowadays; this is the best idea for webmasters to use dofollow links and earn them continuously to drive maximum organic audience to your website.

36) Backlinks from Good No-Follow Websites:

Obviously; dofollow links are very useful for SEO strategies, but the nofollow links are also valuable and better than having no links for your sites. Sometimes; the nofollow links on good sites can also drive better organic traffic. Webmasters should use 100 nofollow links along with a total of 500 dofollow links.

37) Ask the People to Link in Same Industry:

Focus on your business or site nature and then find the relevant industry where you can engage your fellows, followers, friends and colleagues to click on your site’s link. Though; this is a manual linking method, but it is 100% genuine and working for every type of site. Try to exchange the links of different sites with the people in same industry and get your own interests and goals as well.

38) Set Linking with Interviewing Websites:

Write some reality based interviews of the business experts and SEO consultants. Such types of literature will surely engage the people in relevant businesses and industries. That is why; the value of posting such interviews on social websites is growing constantly and greatly. You have to add your site links in such posted interviews for the assistance of readers and viewers.

39) Give Your Interviews for Getting Links:

Keep a direct and regular conversation with the people on highly visited social media networks. If you post your own interviews with proper links on social sites, hen this will help you in getting more visitors through the organic method.

40) Set Some Podcasts and Get Links:

Relevant industry podcasts can be the best resources for webmasters for getting good backlinks. You will need to be a guest in the podcasts and share on different websites and social platforms for gaining targeted organic audience.

41) Links from Crowdsourced Posts:

Quote posts are fantastic working material. These posts will share links of your sites with others and can redirect the audience comfortably. Sharing such quote posts on the social platforms can be more useful and productive than on specific websites. This is an easy way to earn backlinks and visitors for your own sites.

42) Write the Interesting Quote Posts:

You and also write your own interesting quote posts as well as contribute in some general posts on social networks. Such personally designed and composed quote posts will let you earn links easily and achieve your audience target fast.

43) Find the Latest News for Linking:

If you want to earn more links and visitors, you should focus on some news updates online and write quickly about such happenings. This post will let you provide some material about the news and something happening in the world. Such posts will help you in getting links from overlooked and highly visited news networks.

44) Use Some Tools to Drive the Links:

There are many types of link creation tools which the users can re-schedule comfortably. If you are using such tools, then you can obviously drive more links quickly. HubSpot is one of the best tool or generator for creating topics as well as the links.

45) Create Some Templates and Share:

Suppose; you belong to SEO marketing industry and you should create a friendly and free SEO related website template. You can share such templates and themes with the people of same industry and get their attention. Now; you can post links of your websites in designed template to generate heavy organic traffic regularly.

46) Backlinks from Authority Webinars:

Webinars are good resources of quality backlinks only if you utilize them in the best ways. However; try to sponsor a webinar or host a personal one for your own business or site. This can arrest attention of the professionals and others in the industry and can also cause a quick growth of your organic audience.

47) Backlinks from Original Research Sites:

Original and quality researches will be satisfaction-guaranteed things to draw more links. If you go through all famous types of backlinks in SEO industry, you will find this research material the best than all others. Create infographics and logos for posting more links of your sites for traffic.

48) Backlinks with Glossary of Definitions:

Target the best and leading glossaries where you can describe the definitions and other literature for engagement of the people. More the people you get succeeded to engage, more the backlinks you get. Links in such glossaries will create a lasting attention among bloggers, journalists and top competitors.

49) Linking with the Case Study Websites:

Write some specific case studied and make them accessible for everyone. You will need to post site links in such case studies to earn attention of the readers. If you use multiple networks and sites for sharing such case studies and researches, then you can get better and more results fast.

50) Links to Sites Your Competitors Use:

Use some popular site finding tools like Ahrefs just to find out all links which your competitors have gained. This will help you in enlisting all the websites and resources where your rivals have earned the best-quality backlinks. Now; you can target these websites for getting more backlinks for your own sites.

Final Words about Link-Building:

Though; all of these backlink types are very productive, helpful and useful, but a few types are more supportive. In fact; link building has been a fantastic strategy and today; there are unlimited advantages of this methodology in SEO for webmasters and brands across the world. This method is a real marketing approach that helps the webmasters and companies to earn customized amount of backlinks from top quality websites and resources very quickly.

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